Sleep For Self-Care

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How to prepare for a good nights sleep

sleep for self-care
It’s true that a good nights sleep can often make us feel so much better. We think with more clarity, have better judgement and can cope with things better, both physically and emotionally.
But that lovely nourishing sleep doesn’t always come easy, especially during unsettled times when anxiety is high…so it’s worth putting a bit of effort in to reduce the obstacles along the way.

Remember… if you always do what you’ve always done then you’ll always get what you’ve always got…

Prepare To Sleep

A good approach to self care includes giving yourself the best chance at getting a good sleep. Prepare for sleep a few hours before actually going to bed and set a time for getting under the covers. If you can stick to this time as much as possible, it will establish a routine that your body gets used to.
In these precious few hours of sleep prep time, there are steps you can take to start unwinding:

Rest Your Mind & Switch OFF

Try to consciously quieten your mind by avoiding things that stimulate it. Too much TV before bed can keep your brain ticking and especially try to avoid watching violent or scary films so that your stress levels are not elevated.  Switch off mobile phones, tablets, and other things that ping or beep in the night.  It this digital era it can be hard to disconnect and  these devices could make you want to get up and check who has contacted you. But sleep is usually far more important! You can set a traditional alarm clock to wake you rather than using your phone, and have alternative methods of being communication such as a landline for emergencies.

Give Your Body A Rest

Try not to do strenuous exercise in that sleep preparation time window but instead go for a short stroll to get some fresh air and enjoy the peace of the evening. Take the time to breath in some fresh air and listen to the birds singing. It’s also important to give your tummy a rest before bedtime. Try to ensure that you have finished your evening meal 2-3 hours before bed and avoid snacking in the evenings. Digestive problems from eating too late at night, such as indigestion, heartburn or bloating can cause discomfort and disrupt sleep. Also, limiting the amount you drink in the evening will reduce the frequency in which your body will wake you up to go to toilet.

Find Your Calm

If you find listening to music relaxing then play a chill out playlist or sit back and read a few chapters of a book. Alternatively, run a lovely warm bath with your favourite oil, salts or scents to promote relaxation. Find what relaxes you and dedicate some time for yourself at the end of the day. This can be hard when you have kids or other dependants in need of your attention in the evenings but even 10-15 minutes to yourself before bed can make a difference.

Find Your Comfort

Get into your fresh, clean pyjamas. Clean your teeth and wash your face a while before bed so that you’re not ‘ waking up’ again right before you settle down.
Once you are in bed, make sure your temperature is good for you. Perhaps try a sheet between you and the duvet so you can fling the duvet off if it gets too warm. If you like an open window, make sure its not going to be such a windy nights that the noise will wake you up. Darkness is good for promoting a good nights sleep so if you can, use black out curtains or blinds to ensure your mind and body think its night time and they (you)  should be sleeping.


If you do wake up in the night, try not to stress yourself worrying about being awake and fretting over how tired you might feel in the morning. Just let your body enjoy the benefit of being still and relaxed, take the pressure off yourself to get back to sleep and your mind may take you there naturally. It might feel strange at first but persevere if you can – good quality sleep is worth making small changes for.


Sweet Dreams!
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